By Tanushree Biswas
Recently, on the 21st of February 2022, the Commerce Union of
AIS celebrated the 20th Commerce Day themed “Gen Z”, along with two
popularly known guest speakers, Eric Heinrichs, a content creator, and
Kasun Karunatilake, an artist and producer. The event took place in the
assembly hall after school from 1:30 pm onwards. With children above
Form 3 being given the chance to attend the event, this occasion gave
many students an opportunity to hear inspirational speeches by the
guest speakers- on their journey and how they never gave up on their
dreams and continued to do what they love.
Being one of the first significant school events occurring amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in school, the Commerce Union had put in great effort into organizing this program giving the audience the finest
experience ever. Following safety guidelines, the event was restricted to the allowance of only 50 students who had confirmed their participation prior to the event.
The program started off with the welcoming of the two guests and the principal to the event followed by the speeches of the guests. Both the speakers shared their insight on how they got to where they are today and how they were able to build a career out of their passion- making music and making videos. “The speeches were super interesting, and I learnt a lot from them” said a student from Form 4 who had attended the event and had greatly been inspired by the words of the two role models. After the speeches, the crowd played a small group quiz on the topic Gen Z on Quizziz within the time limit. The first three winning groups got prizes presented by the guest speakers. Additionally, the winners of a debate held that morning on the topic “Is social media a benefit for Gen Z or not”, from the Form 4 batch of Business studies students had been announced as well and the winners were proudly presented a box of chocolates from the guest speakers.
The event ended successfully with a group picture and a meaningful message for everyone to carry back home. This event has helped bridge the pathway back to normalcy with the simple steps of instilling motivation within students in hope for a brighter future.